Welcome to Class 6

Class Teachers: 2024 - 2025

St. Raphael
Mrs Hall

Learning Support Assistant
Mrs E Hardcastle

St. Anthony
Mrs Richards
Mrs Miller

Learning Support Assistant
Mrs C Allen
Mrs E Hardcastle


Science Scheme of Work Year 6

The latest news from St. Raphael & St. Anthony

Year 6 writing on tables and playing with pasta as we learned to punctuate speech and use inverted commas for our newspaper articles.

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Big clean up!

Year 6 spent a busy and productive afternoon in the nature area. They cleaned and litter picked the nature area, moved the remaining wood chip and set up a new swing for all to play with. My special thanks to the four girls who worked tirelessly with Mrs Hardcastle to place the new swing in the correct position. Thank you year 6.

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Branching Databases

Year 6 designed their own branching database today. They decided to ask questions - Do you have brown hair? Are you a girl? Do you have brown eyes? Are you ten? They sorted each other according to these questions, some were more successful than others!

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Nature Area Tidy Up

Year 6 spent the afternoon completing many jobs in the nature area. They filled the pond, cleaning it as they went and hoping more wildlife will return. Weeding the sensory garden was hard work but they uncovered strawberries, tomatoes, parsley and elephant ears!! The biggest and hardest job was moving the chip bark and re-covering the floor in the nature area. Half the pile disappeared but there is still a lot more to go! Thank you Year 6 - now for a rest at the weekend!!

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The Garden of Eden

Year 6 took their learning outside today. They acted out the story of the Garden of Eden, freeze framing the most important quote from their part of the bible.

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2D Shapes

Today, Year 6 discussed 2D shapes. They sorted shapes using their knowledge of the properties of each shape. They sorted by parallel and perpendicular lines, size of angles, number of sides. It was a bit windy outside which did mean the shapes flew away at times!!

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