St. Helen’s School Governors
St. Helen’s Governors are a voluntary body, each Governor gives their time and support to our school and their term of office is 4 years. Their main responsibility is to determine the aims and conduct of our school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. Individual governors bring their own experience and expertise to the group.
The Governors are the Employers of our school staff and they are also our Admissions Authority.
The governing body holds the school to account for the quality, standard and effectiveness of the teaching and learning. Through the governing body, the school is accountable to the Diocese, Local Authority, the Parents/Carers of the pupils and to the wider community. In practice, the governing body works with the Headteacher to determine how the school should develop to ensure continued improvement, and with the head and staff agrees plans, policies, targets and procedures that work towards that development.
The governing body is also responsible for ensuring that the school fulfils its legal obligations, for the provision of the curriculum, managing the school budget, the social care and development of the pupils, and other statutory requirements such as developing school policies, setting targets, managing performance and so on. It is also responsible for evaluating the progress of the school, making sure that effective monitoring is taking place and making strategic decisions on the basis of this evaluation.
Governors are most useful to the school by being a critical friend, supportive yet questioning and challenging. If the governing body gets the balance right it can both support the school and promote its improvement effectively.
St. Helen’s Governing Body consists of 10 Governors, 6 Foundation Governors, 1 Parent Governor, 1 Headteacher Governor, 1 Staff Governor and 1 additional Governor.
Foundation Governors: Appointed by Bishop of Brentwood Mrs E Corr - Chair of Governors Mr S Velleman - Vice Chair of Governors Mrs P Blight Fr. Alex Poblador Parish Priest Mrs H Barnes 1 vacancy
Clerk to the Governing Body: Mrs R Waddell
| Parent Governor: Elected by Parents/Carers Mrs B Gjeci
Staff Governor: Elected by Staff Mr C Gibson Headteacher Governor: Mrs E Mouchel Additional Governor: Mr A Watkins Link Trustee: Mr J Upsher |
Full Governing Body will meet three times during the Autumn Term and twice in the Spring and Summer Terms. Sub-Committees have been set up to meet as and when required, these are: Finance and Pay & Staff Matters.
Working parties will be set up as and when required.
If you are interested in becoming a Governor in the future please see “Why Become a School Governor”, speak to Mrs Mouchel or one of the other Governors for further information.