Welcome to Class 3

Class Teachers: 2024 - 2025

Miss Byfield
Mrs Bradshaw

Learning Support Assistant
Miss C Purcell
Mrs H Britt

Mrs Pease
Ms Walsh

Learning Support Assistants
Mrs H Britt

Additional Learning Support Assistant
Miss C Silk


Science Scheme of Work Year 3

The Latest News from Robins & Seagulls

Robins sharing healthy sandwiches with Jellyfish

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Exploring the nature area

Year 3 Seagulls explored the nature area this morning. They started exploring bug life and the other creatures/birds and animals that live there. They made lard balls and cheerio necklaces to feed the many birds who visit.

Year 3 learnt about the fire triangle and staying safe by the fire. They cooked chocolate bananas which most enjoyed and were experiencing for the first time!

Later in the morning, they designed their skeletons using natural materials found in the nature area.

An exhausting but enjoyable morning was had by all!

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Exploding Volcanoes

Year 3 classes `exploded' our volcanoes using a mix of bicarbonate of soda, fairy liquid and vinegar. If parents would like to do this experiment at home, please look up the British Science Museum - exploding volcano youtube video.

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Rocks and Fossils

3 Seagulls completed their science unit on rock and fossils by making salt dough fossils! Some students made dinosaur footprints while others favoured a more traditional ammonite fossil shape.

Making SALT DOUGH is an easy and fun half term activity!

Mix 1 part table salt (say 200g) to 2 parts flour (say 400g). Then add 1 part water (200 ml) and knead to create dough. Store in a sealed plastic bag to keep fresh. Make any imprints using hands, toys, or use a cookie cutter to make a shape. Can be cooked on low heat to dry out or left at room temp to dry. Optional painting as well.

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3 Robins reading with 1 Jellyfish

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Time to play and create

Seagulls were busy in the nature area after their school photos! They were very enthusiastic about playing Spiders web and Eagle eye. We discussed fair play and being honest with each other. They also experimented with mud, making a variety of mud faces which demonstrated their creative talents. Great fun was had by all!!

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Enjoying outdoor learning

Seagulls had a very wet start to their time in the nature area. Luckily, the rain stopped and they enjoyed a game of eagle eye, hot and cold - finding toys hidden by their friends. They built wonderful habitats for teddy bears and completed some bug hunting activities - getting to know the creatures that live in our school grounds. Well done Seagulls. I'll see you next week again!

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Exploring the nature area

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