Religious Education

Our Prayers

Life to the Full Plus

St Helen’s uses a Relationship Education Programme called Life to the Full Plus. Relationship Education became statutory for all schools from September 2021. The Life to the Full Plus programme has been produced by the Catholic Educational organisation, Ten Ten , in response to these statutory guidelines.

Life to the Full Plus is much more than a series of lessons. It is an entire platform of creative resources that will engage, inform and inspire our children and, indeed, you as parents. This includes interactive video content, story-based activities, employing a wide range of teaching tools, original worship music and an accompanying programme of classroom prayers.

Life to the Full Plus is intended to be a partnership between home, school and church.

The attached document gives an overview of the structure and content of the programme.

Below you will find a link to the online parent platform so that you, as parent and carers, can engage with this resource and deepen the experience for your child. To access the online parent platform please visit:

School Username: st-helens-ss0

School Password: magic-red

Our latest news

St. Helen's School Award Winners

Congratulations to our School Award winners.

One child was nominated by several members of staff for displaying excellent manners and showing respect to all in the school community. Another child has always been happy and willing to donate time for the benefit of our school. Our 3rd winner has cared for our school community by being an excellent liturgy leader for the last 2 years.

Well done to you all - wonderful inspirational children.

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Our World Faith Lunch celebrating Eid-Al-Adha

The school enjoyed a delicious lunch today to celebrate Eid. The younger members of our school can be seen enjoying the menu created by our wonderful kitchen staff. We even caught the year 1's dancing along in the queue whilst waiting for their dinner. Thank you to all that helped the children enjoy the experience.
Mrs Conyard.

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Making our Rosaries

All our class liturgy leaders had a lovely experience this week making some large rosaries for our reception classes. They learnt a new skill and had a lovely time working with Mrs Barnetson, one of our midday assistants and an expert macrame weaver. Mrs Barnetson spent the morning teaching the children how to thread and secure the beads. Thank you Mrs Barnetson for giving up your time and for teaching our children a new skill too. The reception classes are very much looking forward to receiving the finished rosaries.

One child said “I learned how to thread the beads and had a lovely chat with Mrs Barnetson. The rosaries are so BIG! ”

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World Faith Lunch - Jewish Passover

The children enjoyed their special lunch to celebrate the Jewish Passover. Thank you to all our kitchen staff for their hard work preparing the feast.

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Thank you Mrs Felstead for our fabulous Priest clothes


Our display boards for branch four of the Religious Education - Desert to Garden

Lots of work has been done practically this term with our school Easter preparations, Sorry Services, Reconciliation Services and of course the Easter performance by Year 4. Also, can you spot the new Jesus dolls that were bought for Reception and Year 1 classrooms?

I hope the Stations of the Cross were enjoyed by you all in our waiting area.

Happy Easter

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Enjoy the beautiful singing of 'Our Father' from our Seahorses children.

Race for Easter

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World Faith Day - Chinese New Year

We celebrated our first world faith lunch for Chinese New Year. We also enjoyed an afternoon of Chinese activities and we had fun in the dragon dance workshop.

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Our RE boards for Branch 3

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Please follow the link for December 2023 and January 2024 newsletters

Children in Need Cake Sale

We had great fun helping KS1 decorate biscuits with marshmallows, sprinkles and icing. They tasted so nice and we saw lots of happy faces while they were enjoying their biscuits. After we had a cake sale for KS2. We had lots of donations of cakes from the school community (a big thank you to all who donated cakes) and lots of customers eagerly buying the tasty creations. Thank you for allowing the children the money to buy our cakes.

It was huge success, raising lots of money for Children in Need and making lots of children very smiley. We raised the grand total of £342.

Daisy said “I think this was great opportunity for us to raise money for Children in Need whilst having fun as a school community.”

Thank you to everyone who helped make this event a great success, raising a huge amount of money for a very worthwhile cause.

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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas............

As we prepare for Christmas the displays have gone up and everyone is beginning to feel excited for Christmas. There are some lovely displays around the school which can be enjoyed by all at our Christmas Fair this Friday.

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Our travelling cribs have started their journey......................


1 Jellyfish Creation and looking after our God's creation

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Saying the Rosary

Thank you to the parents who joined us for the Rosary on Thursday morning, unfortunately it was too wet to be outside so we all gathered in the Prayer Room. There is another opportunity next Thursday at 8.45 am, it’s a lovely way to start the day!

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2 Seahorses Rosary Challenge

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The Hungry Cupboard

We are collecting food for those in need in our local community. We have been talking about the hungry cupboard.

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2 Oysters Rosary Challenge

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Rosary Challenge

The children at St Helen's will be taking part in the Rosary challenge for the month of October in honour of Mary. We will be using the Mark 10 mission videos to support the challenge throughout the school.

Here is the link below if you'd like to also join us in completing the challenge

Keep an eye out for pictures of the children taking part and for details of dates you can join us to say the Rosary.

Mrs Conyard

Big Questions

The children are beginning their RE topic answering the Big Questions and looking at the vocabualary for their topic. Work has started on their themes. Please see the newsletter for the Bible story your child’s class is studying .

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Our Liturgy Leaders


Awarding our Citizens

A special assembly was held on Monday to celebrate the achievements of our Citizens of the Year. Unable to go to Brentwood to collect their certificates, Mr John Adams from Brentwood Diocese, visited on behalf of the Bishop to present our three lovely winners their awards.

We took the opportunity to introduce our three new school awards, Star of the year, The Pope Francis Award, and the St Helen’s Community award at the same time.

The winners of Stars of the Year- The Liturgy Leader Group.

St Helen’s Community Award- The School Council

The Pope Francis Award- Our Eco Warriors.

Our pupil groups have worked extremely hard this year, not only being interviewed by the Catholic Schools Inspection Team and Ofsted inspectors, but by putting in place and re-establishing pre covid expectations.

The Eco Warriors have been looking after our school environment. The School council have made informed decisions on the new playground equipment and school uniform policy. Our Liturgy leaders have led the Rosary during May and October, whilst raising money for Cafod alongside the school council, by organizing soup and a roll at break times. We are very proud of their hard work and felt they were deserved winners of our new awards this year.

A huge thank you to Mrs Mertens, Mrs Clarke and Mrs Green for supporting the role of our pupil groups.

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Our beautifully decorated School Prayer

Our school prayer wall in the hall is now complete and it looks beautiful. The children in KS2 had a competition to decorate the school prayer. Our winners were Sharon-Rose and Kassie and their ideas were used in the design.

Our thanks to Mrs Felstead for making all the wonderful vinyl lettering and Mrs Hardcastle for her amazing artwork.

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Celebrating Mass with our First Holy Communion Children

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Some wonderful work on display in our classrooms for topic 7 of Our RE - Pentecost and Serving.

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Sharing the Rosary

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Easter Performance

Thank you to all the Year 4 children and staff for a very moving performance of the Easter story. It has given us all a great deal to reflect upon. It was a joy to listen to all the wonderful singing.

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Easter Mystery Bags

Our Easter mystery bags have been delivered to families this week. Huge thanks to Mrs Howe who came to visit us and collated and packed the Easter Mystery Bags with help from some of the older rainbow children and Mrs Mertens.


Sharing our wonderful work

As Topic 5 of our RE programme is coming to an end we wanted to share with you some lovely displays and some wonderful work completed by the children during the topic. The children show great respect for the work they produce, we are very proud of them.

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Ash Wednesday

The children in Key Stage 1 took part in a Service in school where they received the ashes. The children in Year 3 took the responsibility of looking after the youngest members of our school and all the children thoroughly enjoyed the service. Our preparations for Easter have begun!

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Using the Bible

Year 6 had the pleasure of Andrew's company today. He discussed using the bible as a source. Year 6 had to locate references to crack the code. The code was 'Look after your mind and your body and things will go well.' Year 6 really enjoyed the talk. Thank you. Later in the day, Year 6 compared the role and life of a Baptist minister to a Catholic priest.

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Come and See what we have been learning

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Year 6 Synagogue Visit

Year 6 enjoyed their visit to the synagogue. They were shown around by Jeffrey and Jeffrey! The children were able to answer many of the questions posed and increased their knowledge

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Stop bullying – it’s unnecessary and mean.

To the bullies – your actions are mean and nasty for no reason – if you need help, tell someone.

Officially, you should be told off but if you tell a friend, they can help by giving you some advice.


By Aarian (6ST.R)


Dear God,

Help us to stop bullying -

People doing mean and horrible things.

Help us to be a good friend to everyone.


By Tabby, Emma Matthew, Eliana and Annabelle (3S)


Reach out to help someone who is getting bullied.

Even help other people – if you’re not getting bullied.

Always be on the lookout for bullies.

Can you stop the bullying in your school?

Help the people that are getting bullied.

Other people might be sad if you bully them.

Unfriendly behaviour is inappropriate.

Tell an adult if someone is bullying you or someone else.

By Maya (4G)


Dear Lord,

Please help us not to be bullies and help us to avoid our sins.

We will try not to hurt others, nor their feelings.

We also will be kind.

We will think about our actions….if it is kind or not.

If we have done something wrong,

we shall apologise to who we have hurt.


By Anson (4G)


Respect people

Everyone should be treated with kindness

Always help out others

Care for people who are emotionally hurt

Help everyone.

Our school shouldn’t have people who bully.

Unfriendly people should be helped

To not be a bully – don’t be unkind.

By Anna (4G)


Stop bullying people

Because they’re kind, they’re lovely and smart.

But when you bully you make them cry.

So stop bullying because this is not kind –

Then all the world will be happy again.

By Marta (4G)


Stop bullying other people.

Talk about it if someone is being mean to you.

Other people might be feeling as sad as you are feeling.

Please be nice to others

Bullying is mean

Unite against bullying

Let other people help you

Let other people know that you are feeling sad

You should always be against bullying

I will never be a bully.

Never be a bully.

Get someone to help you if you are.

By Ishana 4G

My Prayer

Dear God,

Please help us to stop bullying.

It’s wrong and it hurts people’s feelings.

I know if someone is bullying the other person –

Something might be going on in their life.

But it is wrong to pick on someone else.

Thank you for everything you do.


By Evie (6St.R)



Don’t bully me,
It’s not okay,
You’re making me feel small,
I don’t deserve this at all,
Please just stop.

Whispering in my head

O God,

Close my ears to the whispering and the

sniggering and the name-calling of those

who want to torment me.

I hear them in the playground, I hear

them in the corridor, I hear them on the

way home.

Worst of all, I hear them in my head when

I am alone in my room and when I am

awake in the night.

O God,

Close my ears to ignore them, and open my

mouth to tell on them, not because I am

mean, but because I am brave to stop their

nastiness spreading even further.


Remembrance Day

The children in each class have made a poppy wreath and laid it on our whole school display. As a school we came together at 11 o clock to hear Miss Paice play the Last Post on her cornet. The children were extremely respectful during the two minute silence taking the time for their own quiet reflection.

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Baptism / Confirmation and Belonging

The children are coming to the end of their second RE topic this school year, Baptism / Confirmation and Belonging. They have produced some lovely class displays and have completed some fabulous work in their RE books. The children will be introduced to another faith in their next Come and See topic, which is Judaism.

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Life to the Full

St Helen's Relationship Education Programme is called Life to the full.

As you may be aware, Relationship Education became statutory for all primary schools from September 2021.

The Life to the Full programme is based on ‘A Model Catholic RSE Curriculum’ by the Catholic Education Service which was highlighted as a work of good practice by the Department of Education

In addition, we have an online parent platform so that you, as parent and carers, can engage with the teaching and deepen the experience for your child.

To access the online parent platform please visit:

School login: st-helens-ss0

School password: magic-red

Please read the information in the booklet below.

Some beautiful work from our Hedgehogs and Squirrels

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Come and See Competition

Congratulations to all the children who entered the Come and See RE competition. They received their prizes during their key stage assembly on Tuesday morning.

Mrs Conyard was thrilled with all your entries and has made a display in the school hall as she was so very proud of all who took part.

Hopefully parents can 'Come and See' all the marvelous posters soon.

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Our RE this term

The children and teachers have completed topic 1 of their Come and See RE curriculum. There is some lovely work on display and the prayer focal areas in the classrooms are looking magnificent.

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Our Beautiful New Upstairs Prayer Room

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