
A Pupil's View of St. Helen's

St Helen’s Primary is situated in North Road, a quiet and friendly neighbourhood with a zebra crossing directly outside and a large car park is very close to the school. We also have a lockable covered bike shed for our bikes and scooters. A gate and a wall around the school keep us safe.

Enjoy walking through the automatic entrance which is bright and spacious. Have a seat while you wait to be greeted by our friendly Head Teacher or one of her equally friendly staff. Enter the school after signing in and receiving your visitor’s badge. .

Move on into the hall which we use as an assembly room, indoor P.E. area, dinner hall and the site of many memorable productions.

Walk along the corridor and look at our peaceful prayer room, our amazing displays by each class and our library which is well stocked with a huge range of books.

As you pass the classrooms you will notice that they are light and spacious and well furnished, each one has an interactive touch screen whiteboard.

Like it so far? You haven’t seen anything yet!

To read more please download our latest version of the school prospectus below.


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