Headteacher's Welcome

St. Helen’s Catholic Primary School is the oldest Catholic Primary School in Southend and has been on the present site since 1973.

We expanded our school from a one form entry to two form entry and now have 14 classes in total. We will continue to ensure that St. Helen’s Catholic Primary School is a warm and friendly community where everyone is valued.

Pupils, Staff, Governors and Parent/Carers all had a say in the design process of our building. Pupils, in particular, are always involved in any decision we make about the school building and grounds – these are all learning opportunities and it is their school! As a result of this, they are proud and look after their school very well.

Our Mission Statement, which was written by the pupils, is central to everything we do and is based on the word RESPECT. Our pupils are often involved in writing whole school policies such as the Playground Code which they review and add to each year.

Pupils start their 7 year journey in one of the early years foundations classes then progress through class 1 and 2 – the Key Stage 1 or infant classes and then enter the Key Stage 2 or Junior classes 3, 4, 5 and 6. The pupils then leave us to start their Secondary School education.

We are a welcoming, inclusive school – all pupils and their families are welcome here and pupils with Special Educational Needs benefit from our good SEND provision. We also have toileting facilities for the disabled.

In our opinion, St. Helen’s is a vibrant multi-cultural community where 47.6% of our pupils have English as an additional language. We now say Good Morning in many different languages at each whole school assembly. Our pupils have taught us these Good Mornings – we are all learners at St. Helen’s!

Our school site is often a surprise to visitors because at the rear of the school we have a large playground with 3 adventure playgrounds, a nature area and a large field. Our Parle Pavilion is very popular with our pupils for use in lesson times and during breaks and lunchtimes.

We also have allotments and raised beds where the pupils grow many different types of vegetables which we then serve in our school kitchen. We believe in the importance of learning outside of the classroom and hence our extensive grounds are well used and we go on many trips.

We are closely linked to our Parish Church, Our Lady, Help of Christians and St.Helen – our Priest often visits our school and we visit the Church on a regular basis. The prayer life of our school is important and each day begins with either an assembly or a prayer service in class. Prayers are also said throughout the day.

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