Welcome to Class 1

Class Teachers: 2024 - 2025

Mrs Marshall
Mrs Driscoll

Learning Support Assistants
Mrs M Cowell

Additional Learning Support Assistants
Mrs M Velleman

Mrs Conyard

Learning Support Assistants
Mrs M Clarke

Additional Learning Support Assistants
Mrs C Deadman
Mrs E Mertens


Science Scheme of Work Year 1

The latest news from Starfish and Jellyfish

1 Jellyfish reading with 3 Robins

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Sweet Biscuit Faces

Starfish class have had lots of fun designing and creating their funny sweet biscuit faces. They decided which sweets they would use for their facial features completing a design sheet. They then created their funny faces and had great pleasure in taking them home to eat!

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Tricky Words

Year 1 Starfish have been working very hard on learning to read and recognise their phonic tricky words. There teachers were feeling very proud of them this morning when they all successfully remembered all the words and were also able to spell them. We are going to concentrate on using them in full sentences next week. Watch this space!

Designing Habitats

The intrepid Starfish class ventured into the nature area yesterday. Once again, they used their senses to play the hot/cold game and eagle eye. They enjoyed identifying the plants in the sensory garden and smelling the aromas from tomatoes and lavender. Starfish also had to build a habitat for a teddy. We discussed warmth, structure and design. Look at the photos below to see their fantastic designs.

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Working hard at our RE

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Jellyfish doing PE

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Starfish in the Nature Area

Starfish had an enjoyable morning in the nature area. The rain held off and the weather was kind to us. Starfish discussed their senses and used them to play the hot/cold game. They hid dinosaurs and then gave clues to their friend to help. Later, in the morning, Starfish blindfolded a friend and helped them find their way round the nature area. Some really good instructions were given and safety tips observed. Well done Starfish.

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Starfish and Jellyfish welcome our parents and carers for reading

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Our lovely RE work

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Jellyfish in the nature area

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2D Shapes

Starfish class have been learning the names of 2d shapes and recognising how many sides and corners they may have. Groups of children were challenged to sort shapes against their properties.

They demonstrated excellent shape knowledge and great team work!

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All about Me

Starfish had fun in the sun drawing round their friends and naming their body parts. This linked with their topic ‘All about Me’ and their science learning too. Mrs Clarke could not resist joining in the fun too!

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Exploring the nature area

Jellyfish ventured into the nature area with Mrs Miller and Mrs Clarke yesterday. Behaving so sensibly, they enjoyed exploring the environment. They used their senses in many different ways, smelling tomatoes and strawberries, touching bunny ear plants and feeling many different textures. The sun stayed shining for us just!!

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Settling into 1 Starfish

Starfish class have settled back to school and have been enjoying catching up with their friends. They have shown lovely listening skills in their lessons and great sharing skills in provision.

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Settling into 1 Jellyfish

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