Welcome to Class 5

Class Teachers: 2023 - 2024

Walter Tull
Mrs Richards
Mrs Miller

Learning Support Assistant
Miss Purcell
Miss Smith
Mrs Hardcastle

Rosa Parks
Miss Paice

Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Watkins
Miss Smith


Science Scheme of Work Year 5

The latest news from Walter Tull & Rosa Parks

5 Walter Tull Sports Day

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Nature Area Day

Year 5 had a very busy nature day yesterday. They taught each other to hula hoop, took on a blindfold challenge, fired catapults, passed the hoop round working as a team and used pulleys. Later in the day, they designed a zip line for a lego man, testing their theories about friction, air resistance and gravity.

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Walter Tull's Assembly

5WT performed their assembly today. They were very impressive, making sure their audience could hear every word clearly. They show cased all that they had learnt this year. Well done.

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Making parachutes

Year 5 spent the afternoon making parachutes ready to test. They made three, deciding if they wanted to change the length of the string, material type, size of material or weight at the end of the parachute. Carefully prepared parachutes are now ready to drop off the balcony next week to test whether all these things make a difference to air resistance and flight!

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Time to enjoy art printing

Today Year 5 have been busy matching times in the 24 hour clock and also completing their Mayan art printing. We think the results look fantastic.

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Building Bridges

This afternoon, Year 5 grouped together to build bridges. They looked at the support that trusses provide for a bridge. In particular, the lattice, warren and pratt truss systems. Each group was assigned one truss type and made it using lollipop sticks and art straws. Next week, they will test the amount of weight that each truss system can hold spanning a 20cm gap.

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Making nets

5WT made nets of shapes this morning. After a few failed attempts they learnt the importance of measuring accurately and counting the faces. Success and adventurous shapes were made by the end of the lesson!

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Mayan Art

In Maths today, Year 5 reflected a variety of shapes on the X and Y axis. They had to be careful to draw accurately.

In the afternoon, Year 5 learnt about Mayan art. They used geometric shapes and designs before using string to add these to cardboard. Next week, we will be painting and printing. Watch this space to see how our designs turned out.

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Investigating Bridges

Year 5 spent an afternoon investigating the structure of bridges. They tested a variety of beams and pillars to see how much weight the bridge would hold. Some different results were gained but overall the most effective pillar type was a cylinder. They could find many bridges around the world that use this design.

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5 Rosa Parks Nature Area

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A lovely morning for cricket for 5 Walter Tull

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Life Cycles

5WT researched the life cycles of a variety of mammals today. They created their own pin wheels to explain the life cycles of red pandas, whales, koalas, lions, monkeys and dogs.

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Setting up a camera to catch the wildlife

Year 5 went out into the nature area yesterday. They set up a camera which will hopefully catch the wildlife around us. Year 5 built dens, moved soil, cleared weeds, tidied and played. A busy afternoon was had by all.

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5WT took part in a cricket session from Scott this week. Due to the weather, we were indoors but learnt the basics of batting and fielding, especially throwing and catching. We can't wait for next week!

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Nature area time

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Working together to make dens

5RP enjoyed their afternoon in the nature area despite the rain! They designed and built dens and swings - changing their designs until it worked for them. I was very impressed with their skills and their perseverance. They worked together well demonstrating good team work. Well done 5RP.

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Can you spot the moths?

Along with the whole school, Year 5 designed their own moths today. They use camouflage/blending in techniques to "hide" their moths around the classroom. Can you spot them?

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Year 5 tried their hand today at making a sundial. All was going well whilst the sun was out but unfortunately cloud cover this afternoon prevented us from continuing. Hopefully we will be able to strengthen our knowledge next week during Science Week!

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5 Walter Tull World Book Day

5WT enjoyed many activities for World Book day today. Firstly, they designed paper plates showing their favourite character. We moved onto reading 'How the Stars came to Be' admiring the myth and the amazing pictures. We began writing our own version of the story following ideas from the book, also decorating following patterns and pictures.

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Year 5 enjoyed their first badminton lesson today. They practised their skills and towards the end of the lesson even held a rally. They will be developing further skills over the next few weeks.

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Maths - Weighing
Science - Plant reproduction

Year 5 had a busy day learning in Maths and Science. In Maths, they are developing their knowledge of kg, g and how to use scales to measure the weight of an item.

This afternoon, they moved onto Science and learning about how plants reproduce and the parts of a plant. The children were amazed at the tiny parts within the flowers hidden behind the petals.

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Phases of the Moon

5WT discovered the phases of the moon today. Using oreo biscuits, they represented the different phases, learning more about waxing and waning moons. they also used ipads to research extra information, working collaboratively in teams to produce their posters.

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5WT enjoyed experimenting with making cubes from nets. They investigated which nets would make a cube either visually or practically. After, they discussed their answers.

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The Planetarium and Central Museum

5WT visited the Planetarium and Central Museum today. Ably assisted by Mrs Bishop, Mrs Hardcastle and Miss Purcell, they looked into the past. They investigated life in Anglo Saxon times by studying the Prittlewell Prince, saw how radio and TVs had changed over time -much to their amusement- looked at life in a Victorian home and studied a variety of artefacts through the ages. The main reason for visiting was a trip to the Planetarium. Here they learnt many new facts but also imparted their knowledge to the teacher.

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Our VR experience

Year 5 enjoyed their VR experience today. They discussed the impact of cutting down the rainforest on habitats and animals. We will look forward to completing some work as a follow up next week.

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The Fashion Show

A culmination of months of hard work allowed 5 Walter Tull to present their fashion show to parents. They evaluated their work with honesty, " At first, we couldn't work together but then we realised we had to."

5 Walter Tull also showed adverts that they had made. We hope you all enjoyed it.

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Today, Year 5 were observing their shadows. They couldn't believe how long they were at certain times of the day and discovered that the shadow became smaller as lunch-time approached. After lunch, the shadow became longer again. Year 5 concluded that this is due to the Earth orbiting the sun and where the sun appears in the sky.

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The Good Samaritan

This week, Year 5 have been studying the parable of The Good Samaritan. They learnt about the different people in the story, the people who helped the man and those that didn't. Year 5 drew their own interpretation of the parable after discussing Van Gogh's painting.

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Year 5 had a practical History lesson learning about the battle of Britain. The children had great fun learning how to work as a team and using radar.




This morning also saw year five learning about the beatitudes. These are a list of virtues to live by and blessings given to certain groups of people. The class worked in pairs to produce art work about their beatitude.

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Check out our amazing coats

Year 5 have been extremely busy making their coats. They have finally finished all the sewing largely thanks to Mrs Hardcastle and Mrs Appleyard. Thank you from Year 5.

We think their coats look amazing. Hope you agree.

Today, they developed their film-making skills producing a trailer to advertise and sell their coat. We are hoping to show you them all one day in school.

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Sugar Cube Science Experiment

Today, the whole school took part in a Science Experiment. Mixing water and food colouring together, they then began to stack sugar cubes observing what happened next. The experiment moved onto testing the stack of sugar cubes with foil, clingfilm and kitchen roll between each cube. Testing more, meant wrapping the sugar cubes in the materials and observing closely. The children were amazed and very descriptive after observing using and widening their scientific vocabulary.

We were ably assisted by 14 St Thomas More boys who joined each class to help/observe and ask further questions. My thanks to Mr Jones (their teacher) and the boys for giving up their time.

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Designing Coats

Year 5 were very industrious this morning, they were following their designs and making coats. With the help of the adults, they had to change and adapt plans as they were working. Learning to sew and using a sewing machine was mastered by a few. Over the next few days, Year 5 will continue to make their coats before filming an advert and taking part in a fashion show, which we hope to show the school and parents in the new year!

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Bridges in Gymnastics

5WP spent the afternoon investigating bridges during their Gymnastics lesson. They tried different body shapes, using levels and apparatus to help them. Year 5 designed a sequence of moves performing this to their class-mates who made suggestions of improvements and changes.

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Cornet Lesson

Year 5 were treated to a special cornet lesson by Miss Paice today. She showed them how it works, plays and taught them all about the different notes and sounds the cornet makes.

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Discussing reactions

5WT spent the afternoon in the nature area. They enjoyed smores and discussed how certain materials would react when burnt. Interesting thoughts and opinions were discussed. Following on from this , they tested their tree climbing, bug-hunting and digging skills finding some unusual things. They also enjoyed a game of eagle eye.

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Smores in the nature area

5RP ventured into the nature area yesterday and became the first class this academic year to enjoy smores! Some children had never tasted them before, luckily they all enjoyed them. We discussed irreversible/reversible changes on materials and how a fire affects materials. 5RP explored the nature area, enjoying bug hunting and working as a team.

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Lava Lamps

5WT enjoyed investigating and experimenting today. They made lava lamps putting water and food colouring together to form a solution. Oil was added to this but just sat on the top and did not mix. Vitamin C tablets were added to the mixture and 5WT observed closely.

They moved onto designing their own experiment and answering a What If....question with interesting results.

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Designing and Flying Kites

5RP were busy in the Nature Area this afternoon. They explored and noticed many changes to the environment. Later, they grouped together to design and fly their own kites. Luckily, there was just enough wind to help not hinder the kite flying. As always, some were more successful than others.

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An exciting experiment

In science today, year 5 experimented with irreversible change. We mixed mentos with a bottle of cola but unfortunately the reaction was not what we expected. After much discussion, we thought it was maybe because it was diet cola so we will try again on another occasion!

After this, we mixed bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to produce an explosion and irreversible change. We decided that inside the film cannister, a gas was being formed which forced the lid to pop off. Year 5 enjoyed this producing shrieks and screams to keep everyone entertained.

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5 Walter Tull have been weighing

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Music Workshop

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Year 5 designed mazes today. They were practising left and right turns, using their angle knowledge, linking this to the clock and directions. Some mazes became very complicated!!

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Separating Mixtures

Year 5 developed more Science skills today and were trying to separate certain mixtures. Some were very tricky to separate but with good knowledge and thinking, they got there in the end! Using sieves, filter paper, tweezers and spoons, they managed to separate some mixtures. Others may take us slightly longer as they involve boiling water and waiting for evaporation to take place.

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Andy Goldsworthy artwork and Kite making

5WT had a busy morning in the Nature Area. Inspired by the artist, Andy Goldsworthy, they produced their own pictures using natural materials only. They were very pleased with their results. The next challenge was linked to their Science topic: Materials. The task was to design and make a kite. The children really understood all the forces that would act on the kite. The designs were very different producing interesting results. Luckily for year 5, there was a light wind which helped our flying skills!!

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Year 5 had a zoom session with Farmer Carl from Intake Farm in Yorkshire

Year 5 gathered together today to talk to Farmer Carl as part of Farmer Time. From now on, they will have fortnightly calls with him regarding life on the farm.

Today, he showed us that he was drilling oil seed rape as the first batch had been ruined by the weather and the flea beetles!

He related the machinery on his farm to our topic of materials, giving us information regarding the tractor and driller.

Year 5 were able to ask questions at the end of the session.

Thank you Carl.

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Solutes and Solvents 5RP

We were mixing different solvents and solutes to observe what happened when they were put together. We used water and flour, water and sugar, water and salt, water and sand and baking powder.

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Solutes and Solvents 5WT

Year 5 experimented this afternoon. We mixed various solutes (solids) with a solvent (liquid) which was always water. We observed closely what happened when the solute and solvent mixed, commenting on what we found out.

We have left the solutions on the windowsill in the classroom to see what happens next. Some of us think the water will evaporate and it may leave some/all/none of the solute behind. The solutes were flour, baking powder, salt, sugar and sand.

What do you think?

Keep an eye on this page for the results.

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3D Shapes

Last week, 5WT attempted to build 3D shapes - some more successfully than others! With the shape made, they identified the properties of the shape using the language: faces, vertices and edges.

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Grouping and Sorting

Year 5 spent an enjoyable afternoon outside grouping and sorting materials. They sorted them into man-made/natural, hard/soft, flexible, unbreakable and numerous other categories.

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Making nests

To start their topic, 5WT made nests today for their imaginary mythical creatures. Later in the day, they described their nests. We can't wait to describe our creatures now!

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News from 2022 - 2023

5 RP Beach Trip

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3 Tasks for Year 5

Year 5 enjoyed the nature area this morning. They were given three tasks: jobs and painting, to set up a teddy zip line and the last problem, to lift a log without using their hands or feet. The children investigated the use and effects of pulleys, ropes, friction and air resistance. Their findings were very interesting - the smoother the rope the less friction and the faster the teddy travelled. Year 5 also helped finish the sensory garden - painting and filling the planters with soil, also making a bird feeder. Thank you.

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A morning of activities

Year 5 spent a very productive morning in the nature area. They rotated round five activities - painting, digging and moving soil, catapults, building a platform and answering: Does the biggest leaf fall the slowest? The children participated in every activity with enthusiasm, working hard to achieve more. My thanks to Year 5 and all their teachers for completing so many jobs today. The nature area is starting to look very different!

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Eggnaut Experiment

5RP spent a busy afternoon making an eggnaut- a safe capsule for an egg to return to Earth. They dropped them from the balcony and did well to keep four out of five eggs intact. Well done 5RP.

They moved onto the nature area - digging, playing, climbing trees and building shelters.

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Designing Eggnauts

Today, Year 5 had a very busy time. They started in the studio designing an eggnaut. Our eggnaut had to withstand re-entry into our atmosphere and landing on the Earth. Keeping the egg safe was the priority and it could be no larger than 30x30cm and weigh no more than 500g. The children developed clear ideas and many included parachutes to try to combat the force of gravity. They dropped these from the balcony. Our results were exceptional, only one egg had a little crack in it. Good job Year 5!

Year 5 moved onto the nature area, having fun, digging, making flag poles, looking for bugs and playing on the swing and see-saw. A game of eagle eye followed which was a success for some, whilst others were found quickly.

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5 Walter Tull kicking off their new Earth and Space topic with a timed game of "Speed Planetting"!

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Remembrance Day Assembly

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A productive morning

Year 5 had an enjoyable morning in the nature area. Firstly, they moved pots, trays, baskets, bird boxes donated from Mrs Miller's neighbour. We are hoping to use these in our new sensory garden. Year 5 then discussed how materials react to fire, they discussed reversible and irreversible changes and were excited to observe what happened to plastic, paper, tissues, biscuits, marshmallows, foil and cardboard. After this, all the children enjoyed a smore - marshmallow encased in biscuits. Looking at materials again, Year 5, in groups, designed kites and as the wind became stronger tested them. They made improvements and assessed how they flew.

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5WT built nests for a baby dragon before writing stories, which focused on description.

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Walter Tull investigating

5WT enjoying their Science lesson today - they were investigating which materials dissolved in water.

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