Welcome to Class 4

Class Teachers: 2024 - 2025

Miss Cowperthwaite

Learning Support Assistants
Mrs J Green
Miss C Purcell

Mrs Watson-Steward
Ms Walsh

Learning Support Assistant
Mrs R Monahan
Miss C Purcell

Additional Learning Support Assistants
Miss J Sereno
Miss D Warwick


Science Scheme of Work Year 4

The latest news from Fountains & Gideon

4 Gideon making light up Christmas cards

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Our St. Andrew's Day Assembly

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A great day in the Nature Area

Year 4 managed to dodge the rain today by starting on the field and completing some outdoor learning. They had to solve some puzzles to give them a code as entrance to the nature area.

Whilst in the nature area, the children explored habitats, finding creatures and even making a fishing rod to catch things that live in the pond! They enjoyed delicious damper bread cooked on the fire with butter and jam. Everyone in the class said that the bread tasted good! Well done Year 4 as your behaviour was exemplary.

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Planning their podcasts for school news

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Making complete circuits

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Finding rivers on maps

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4 Gideon learning Talk for Writing instruction actions - How to Trap a Dragon

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4 Fountains - Podcasts in computing

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4 Gideon editing audio before recording a podcast

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4 Fountains playing games in Maths to help their division

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4 Gideon - Great Homework

4G shared their homework with 4F this week. Students made sculptures of the Iron Man which included fantastic robots with moving parts and glowing eyes. Other students were inspired to make their own maps with landmarks of Southend, train sculptures of the Pier as well as fantastic writing about notable people, including Beethoven. Well done all those students who completed homework this term!

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4 Fountains testing string telephones

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4 Fountains PE Games

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4 Fountains Fabulous Homework

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Talk for Writing Actions

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Southend Pier

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Sound Workshop

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Researching Southend Pier

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Finding lines of symmetry in 2D shapes

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Sound in nature

Year 4 were very busy on Tuesday. We discussed their Science topic of Sounds. The children went on a sound walk, collecting any natural items that they could use on their own wind chimes. They designed and made their wood chime in class and you can see the finished results are fantastic. After snack and luckily, when the rain had stopped, Year 4 Gideons went outside. They made their very own Iron Man in groups, moved wood chip and went bug hunting.

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Nature Area

4G had a busy and enjoyable afternoon in the Nature area. The first part was spent refining our listening skills. Blindfolded and in teams, we had to work together and follow the sound. The next game involved finding our farmyard friends, made trickier by wearing blindfolds! 4G moved to the nature area, working hard to move some woodchip and bug hunting as well as playing. Thank you for all your help 4G. Can't wait to see you again next Tuesday.

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Getting active

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Learning actions for a quest story in Talk for Writing

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Learning about websites in computing

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Investigating Sound

In science, year 4 are investigating sound - including how music is made on different instruments (including seeing sound wave with water and a tuning fork) and how to measure sound levels. We walked around the school with data loggers to record sound levels (Db) of the quietest and loudest parts of the school. In art, inspired by Kandinsky, we have started listening to different types of music and painting what we hear!

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