Welcome to Class 2

Class Teachers: 2024 - 2025

Mrs O'Byrne
Miss Anderson

Learning Support Assistants
Ms K Collins
Mrs C Cooper

Additional Learning Support Assistant
Miss L Smith

Miss McGill

Learning Support Assistant
Mrs C Cooper


Science Scheme of Work Year 2

The latest news from Seahorses & Oysters

Sharing our Homework

Some of Oysters amazing Great Fire of London homework.

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Reading with Santa

2 Oysters were very lucky, this week, Santa Claus read us a Christmas story live from the North Pole.

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Busy elves

2 Oysters received a letter from Santa and have enjoyed becoming honorary elves. They have measured different things in their classroom so the North Pole know how much wrapping paper they will need.

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Great Fire of London Workshop

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2 Oysters have been enjoying finding a quarter of a set of objects in Maths

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Exploring materials in the Nature Area

Oysters had an exceptionally busy and fruitful morning in the Nature Area. Their Science topic currently is Materials. They looked at various materials around the nature area, identifying resources that were flexible, rigid, bendy, soft, smooth and hard. Next, they looked at materials that would burn, they discussed fire safety and enjoyed smores identifying how the material changed in its shape and size.

After reading Stick Man, the class found a variety of uses for sticks: saw, sword, bow and arrow, walking stick, drawing, making figures, shelters, lifting a weight and a see-saw. Oysters were a delight to have in the nature area. See you again soon!

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In Maths this week, 2 Oysters have used chocolate to demonstrate their halving skills.

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Our fabulous Homework


Leaf Man

Seahorses spent the morning in the nature area. Showing their care of nature, they completed a litter pick and general tidy up before embarking on their work. Inspired by the artwork of the Leaf Man book, they completed their own pictures using natural materials. They investigated and named different types of trees. Everyone worked so hard coping in the sun and rain!

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World Habitats

This week, Oysters have enjoyed learning about world habitats. In provision, they have been researching each habitat and recreating them using art and building resources.

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Year 2 have been learning about habitats. This week, we explored one of our local habitats, the Nature Area. The children discussed and drew the animals they thought would live there.

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Noah's Ark

Oysters have settled well into Year 2. This week, they have enjoyed retelling the story of Noah’s Ark in provision.

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