Awarding our Citizens
A special assembly was held on Monday to celebrate the achievements of our Citizens of the Year. Unable to go to Brentwood to collect their certificates, Mr John Adams from Brentwood Diocese, visited on behalf of the Bishop to present our three lovely winners their awards.
We took the opportunity to introduce our three new school awards, Star of the year, The Pope Francis Award, and the St Helen’s Community award at the same time.
The winners of Stars of the Year- The Liturgy Leader Group.
St Helen’s Community Award- The School Council
The Pope Francis Award- Our Eco Warriors.
Our pupil groups have worked extremely hard this year, not only being interviewed by the Catholic Schools Inspection Team and Ofsted inspectors, but by putting in place and re-establishing pre covid expectations.
The Eco Warriors have been looking after our school environment. The School council have made informed decisions on the new playground equipment and school uniform policy. Our Liturgy leaders have led the Rosary during May and October, whilst raising money for Cafod alongside the school council, by organizing soup and a roll at break times. We are very proud of their hard work and felt they were deserved winners of our new awards this year.
A huge thank you to Mrs Mertens, Mrs Clarke and Mrs Green for supporting the role of our pupil groups.